Friday, December 18, 2009

Weekend at Memaw's/Delainey

We spent the weekend at Memaw's the first weekend in December. We had a lot of fun...we mostly just relaxed. (Memaw is my mom....Joseph's grandma)
Oh, yeah, there are no pics of Joseph because he was at his dad's during this particular weekend!
Also, there are some great pics of Delainey mixed in here. We love the little pistol!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Joseph's Christmas pics, 2009

When Mom/Memaw came this weekend, she took a few pictures to use for Joseph's Christmas pictures. I liked these two the best, so we will be mailing either one of these out in the Christmas cards this year.

Joseph with Harley and Titan

My grown up 12 year old.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Harley and Titan

Our family at Christmas, 2008

baby Titan


baby Harley

Today on (Kelly's Korner), it is the day for telling all about your pets. I decided to take part in this one! I LOVE my dogs...they are like my babies...I had my son first, and then 9 years later, we added Harley to our family. She is a Rottweiler/boxer mix that we adopted from Save-A-Life. She has an attitude just like a girl and she thinks she is human. She also thinks she is a lap dog. She has a dainty run and can fight Titan like a boy. Harley sleeps with Joseph every night.

Titan is our other dog. Just the sweetest thing you have EVER met. He is a Weimaraner. We got him a year and a half ago. He was supposed to be my husband's dog, but quickly became MY dog. lol. He follows me EVERYWHERE! He also thinks he is human and loves to sit in my lap. He sleeps in the bed with me and my husband. He loves to fight with Harley and is scared to get his nails cut. He really is a scaredy-cat. He hides behind Harley whenever he can. :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So....Joseph has the hunting fever. He took his classes and is so ready! Well, last night, he and "Dad" went hunting! And guess what?! Joseph got him a DEER!!! First time out and he got the doe right in the heart! She dropped right there. He is so excited and we are so proud of him! He kept the tail as a keepsake and now we have some good deer meat to cook! Yea, Joseph!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Different pics of Joseph through the years. He is such a wonderful, sweet, loving kid!

JCBC Drama Camp, 2009

Joseph went to JCBC Drama Camp for a week this summer. He always enjoys it. Delainey and Memaw came to see him perform. Here are a few pics from the performance. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Joseph's 12th birthday!

me with flamingo chimes from my Dad and Carmen


Aunt Amy and Delainey

Delainey and her yummy thumb

Delainey getting some sun

Delainey enjoying the pool

the kids on the slide

Joseph at the end of the slide in the pool

Grandma Mae, Haley and Aunt Michelle

Grandpa Joe

Aunt Cherrie and Hannah

Joseph opening gifts

Joseph and all of his buddies

Joseph's birthday was May 9th...He turned 12! We had a huge blow up slip and slide with a pool at the end of it. His theme was Star Wars. His cake had Darth Maul on it. This was also the day of Haley's First Communion. (his cousin) And to add to the weekend, it was Mother's Day! Memaw, Pepaw, Grandpa Joe and Delainey all came down from North Georgia to enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Please pray for this child, Tuesday. It breaks my heart to hear about children dealing with cancer. Please just pray for her healing, her spirits, her comfort.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Trip to Florida, January 2009

Joseph and Mom

Joseph showing off how "big" our balcony is....LOL

Lauren and Joseph

Lauren and Mom

All the cousins....Memaw, Debbie, Linda, Sharon, Mom, and Joseph

Hi, everyone. Sorry the blog is behind. This is Joseph's mom talking, and if you know me at all, you know that I LOVE to procrastinate. Sooooo, here's a blog about our trip to FL in Jan. 2009. Yes, BEFORE Christmas and New Year's pics. Will get those up EVENTUALLY.
P.S. Debbie is sick with cancer. She is doing much better, but we are praying everyday for her. Please keep her in your prayers.

Ugh! I will have to add more FL pics tomorrow night. It is taking FOREVER to download pics tonight!

Oh, and as a side note: Joseph and I spent some time together tonight playing BINGO at his school. Sadly, we did not win, but we had TONS of fun together.